Dear Reader, we are happy to share the most interesting legal and policy updates concerning health industry that we read today. We hope you enjoy reading it.

1. A national association of medical professionals, the Indian Medical Association has declared a 24-hour nationwide withdrawal of non-emergency services from 6 a.m. on 17th August, 2024 to protest against the alleged rape and murder of a trainee doctor at the state-run hospital in Kolkata. Essential services will be continued, but outpatient departments and elective surgeries will be halted. The withdrawal will operate across all sectors wherever modern medicine doctors are providing services.

2. Under the direction of the Union Health Ministry, the National Medical Commission (NMC) has advised all medical colleges and institutions to create a policy that will ensure that all staff members, including faculty, medical students, and resident physicians, have a safe place to work on campus. Adequate safety precautions in the OPD, wards, casualties, hostels, and other open spaces on campus and in the residential quarters should be guaranteed by the policy.

3. The National Green Tribunal has set aside a pharmaceutical company’s environmental clearance to expand its facility on grounds that even though it has an effluent treatment plant, the absence of pharmaceutical waste in treated waste water cannot be ruled out. The said pharmaceutical company was going to let out treated waste water into the sea and this may harm neighbouring aqua farms and have an adverse effect on human health when such aquatic food is consumed.

4. India’s anti-trust regulator, the Competition Commission of India (CCI), has dismissed a complaint alleging cartelisation by 29 pharmaceutical companies to manipulate government tenders for procurement of medicines on grounds that the compliant was vague and did not disclose sufficient details.

5. The US government has announced first set of price cuts to popular prescription drugs which are part of  the government’s Medicare programme. The revised prices of the drugs, which include widely used blood thinners and arthritis medications, will take effect from 2026.


Dear Reader, we are happy to share the most interesting legal and policy updates concerning health industry that we read today. We hope you enjoy reading it.

1. The Supreme Court, while hearing the Patanjali case on misleading advertisements, has asked the Union of India to respond to a question about whether the clinical trial rules for AYUSH drugs have been diluted, particularly in the context of new indications. The amicus for the Court while presenting the matter proposed strict measures for regulating misleading advertisements, such as the effective use of existing penalty mechanisms, prior approval of ads before issuance of licenses, effective inter-state cooperation, and a tie-up between the GoI and ASCI to address complaints.

2. The Supreme Court while hearing a petition filed by the Indian Medical Association (IMA) challenging Patanjali Ayurved’s misleading advertisements has directed the Ministry of Ayush to create a centralised dashboard where citizens across the country can access information about the action taken in response to their complaints.

3. The Department of Pharmaceuticals (DoP) has extended the deadline for filing a self-declaration under the Uniform Code for Pharmaceutical Marketing Practices, 2024 (UCPMP) to August 31st, 2024. The prior date for filing the self-declaration was July 31st, 2024.

4. The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) in the United States has reportedly placed responsibility on large e-commerce companies for the sale of dangerous third-party products on its platforms, issuing a directive covering more than 400,000 products that violated flammability standards.

5. The US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) warned several giant online retailers about selling unapproved chemical peel skin products and asked them to immediately stop marketing them as they could potentially harm customers. The USFDA issued the directive after determining that the items in question included chemicals in high amounts that necessitated medical care.


Dear Readers, we are happy to share the most interesting legal and policy updates concerning health industry that we read today. We hope you enjoy reading it.

India’s Supreme Court extends scope of misleading advertisement review to multinational and domestic FMCG manufacturers, doctors
In a proceeding against a major Ayurvedic products manufacturer for publication of misleading advertisements, India’s Supreme Court has clarified that the decisions and orders made in the ongoing case is not limited to the a particular manufacturer, rather is directed to all FMCG companies who are publishing misleading advertisements and doctors who are endorsing medicines to public after accepting consideration from pharmaceutical companies.

Indian Government to scrutinize organ transplants closely after receiving reports of foreign nationals involvement in organ donation
India’s Union Health Ministry, through the office of Director General of Health Services (DGHS), has ordered state authorities to compulsorily create a NOTTO (National Organ and Tissue Transplantation Organization) ID maximum within 2 days for the donor and recipient for both living-donor and deceased-donor transplants, citing reports of purported commercial dealings in organ transplants involving foreign nationals.

New Telehealth Accreditation Program introduced in US
It has been reported that leading not-for-profit agencies in the US such as Joint Commission and National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) will begin offering accreditation for telehealth services to qualified hospitals, ambulatory care centres, and behavioural health organizations in 2024. The accreditation is aimed at filling the gap of legally enforceable telehealth standards in the US.

Employee non-compete clauses may soon be illegal in the US
The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has issued a final rule to promote competition by banning non-compete clauses in employee contracts nationwide. As per FTC, non-compete covenants in contracts prevent workers from taking a new job or starting a new business, which in turn harms competition.

French Government to turn down bid from foreign pharmaceutical companies to buy domestic generic company
The Government of France is reportedly going to block foreign bidders including two Indian pharmaceutical companies from attempting to purchase a domestic generic pharmaceutical manufacturer. As per the French government, this decision has been taken in the national interest to safeguard the supply chain of medicines.