Legal Considerations for Awareness Campaigns on Persons with Disabilities in India

Legal Considerations for Awareness Compaigns on Persons with Disabilities in India

Across the world, December 3 is observed as the International Day of Disabled Persons. The United Nations has designated it as a day that “aims to promote the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities in all spheres of society and development, and to increase awareness of the situation of persons with disabilities in every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life.”  The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), which was signed and ratified by India, charts out a tangible path for realising this goal.

India enacted the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act in the year 2016 pursuant to its obligations under the CRPD. The Act defines person with disability as “a person with long term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairment which, in interaction with barriers, hinders his full and effective participation in society equally with others” and specifies a total of 21 physical, intellectual and mental disabilities as well as disabilities due to chronic neurological conditions and blood disorders.

Amongst other things, the law calls for greater public awareness in a bid to break the stigma, discrimination and ostracization faced by people with disabilities. In recent years, there has been a spurt in campaigns – largely digital – aimed at a establishing a more inclusive society. While these should, without a doubt, be encouraged, there are certain legal considerations that should be kept in mind.

Web Accessibility

While this requirement is not yet embedded in the law, it seems counterintuitive to have campaigns that the primary beneficiaries do not have access to. Nonetheless, web accessibility is still in its formative stages in India. The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2017 requires that every establishment (government and private) maintains a website that is accessible to the disabled. This mandate was scheduled to come into effect on June 15, 2019, but as of date, the Government has only released the standards for government websites, and it yet to notify the standards applicable to private entities’ websites. In addition to complying with the standards, the documents on the website must be in a text-to-speech compatible Electronic Publisher or Optical Character Reader based PDF format.

As a matter of good practice, businesses should move towards accessible websites. There are plenty of resources online, most notably the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. If not entirely, businesses may choose to incorporate at least a few of the tools and tactics to make their websites more accessible.

It should also be noted that all organisations are required to have an Equal Opportunity Policy, which outlines the measures that the organisation has taken to implement the provisions under this law. It should, inter alia, contain a statement verifying that it has the requisite barrier-free accessibility, facilities, amenities and assistive devices that are required for a person with disability to be able to discharge their duties, thereby making it an inclusive organisation. This policy should be displayed on the business’ website, or, if they do not have a website, in a conspicuous location within the premises.

Data Protection

The extent to which data protection is an applicable varies largely depending on the nature of the campaign. If it’s an entirely social- or programmatic-based campaign, the entity organising the campaign gets access to only aggregated and anonymised data, which does not demand a high level of compliance. If the campaign directs the user to a website where they need to register, however, it is far more onerous. The website must contain a detailed privacy policy – ideally optimised to be accessible for persons with disabilities – outlining the data that is being collected, the purpose of its collection, who it will be shared with and why, how it will be protected, and how the person may withdraw their consent for the collection, processing and storage of such data. Given the sensitive nature of the data, strong security systems should be implemented.

Community Guidelines

Social media has come to be synonymous with the freedom of speech and expression, which has made it a catalyst for change. In the last few years alone, a number of movements have been waged and amplified over the internet. However, most platforms have strict policies which specify the type of content that is permitted and prohibited on the platform. Most policies unequivocally prevent any type of content that can be viewed as or that promotes bullying and harassment, hate speech, or discrimination against protected classes, which includes persons with disabilities. Content that can be considered triggering is also generally discouraged. We recommend going through the relevant platform’s community guidelines and tailoring the content to ensure that it does not violate or promote violations, since that may diminish the reach of the post.

Targeting Content

While targeting a campaign specifically at relevant stakeholders is one of the biggest USPs of digital campaigns, there are certain restrictions in place that would hamper a campaign with persons with disabilities as their target group.

Google’s (and YouTube’s) policy states that “Advertisers can’t use personal hardship categories to target ads to users or to promote advertisers’ products or services” and clarifies that this includes disabilities, even when content is oriented toward the user’s primary caretaker.

 Similarly, Facebook’s policy states that “Ads must not contain content that asserts or implies personal attributes. This includes direct or indirect assertions or implications about a person’s race, ethnic origin, religion, beliefs, age, sexual orientation or practices, gender identity, disability, medical condition (including physical or mental health), financial status, voting status, membership in a trade union, criminal record, or name.”

Unintended Consequences of the Comment Section 

The comment section for posts about social justice issues like disability are often filled with an overwhelming amount of compassion, with complete strangers bonding over their struggles and experiences. While fostering a strong sense of community is aspirational, it is not without risk. The most obvious is the strong likelihood of hate speech erupting: which is not only undesirable on a humane level, but also a violation of platform policies and the law. Secondly, it results in the somewhat inadvertent collection and sharing of highly sensitive personal data, that can be misused by absolutely anyone to discriminate against persons with disabilities. While these issues may not have direct legal ramifications for the campaign organiser or poster specifically, they are highly undesirable. We would recommend seriously considering the pros and cons of keeping the comments section disabled (no pun intended whatsoever).


A great deal of caution must be used while using testimonials from persons with disabilities, their family, friends or caretakers, or medical and allied healthcare professions. Waivers should be obtained, in writing, prior to using such content. Personal information of persons with disabilities should not be disclosed unless explicitly consented to, and even then, should be avoided. While collaborating with medical or allied healthcare professionals, ensure that the content is not positioned as medical advice, a diagnosis or a tool for self-diagnosis. Encourage viewers to seek professional help if required. Most importantly, ensure that persons with disabilities are not shown in a bad light.


To conclude, it would be unpragmatic to not use the platforms that we have access to today to spread awareness about the many issues that plague society, and to work towards a better tomorrow. However, exercise caution while doing so to avoid inadvertently violating the law.