Dear Reader, We are happy to share the most interesting legal and policy updates concerning health industry that we read today. We hope you enjoy reading it.

Criminal prosecution for drug related offences can start only on the basis of a drug inspector’s complaint: Supreme Court
India’s Supreme Court has confirmed that only a drug inspector, and not the police, is authorized to file a First Information Report (FIR) or a complaint for offence related to drugs under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940.

Drug prices may increase slightly due to increase in Wholesale Price Index
India’s drug price regulator, the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority of India, has communicated to the pharmaceutical industry that annual change in the Wholesale Price Index (WPI) in 2023 compared to 2022 was (+)0.00551%. Accordingly, manufacturers of drugs whose price are capped may increase their price by (+)0.00551% in the month of April without government approval.

Drug labels may have to mention excipients which cause hypersensitivity soon
India’s top drug policy advisory body, the Drugs Advisory Board (DTAB), has directed India’s Central Drug Regulator, The Central Drugs Standards Control Organization, to prepare a list of excipients that cause hypersensitivity, with the intent that such excipients should be disclosed label of medicine. Other excipients will not have to be mentioned on the labels of medicine. Currently, the law does not require manufacturers to include to disclose information about excipients on the label of drugs.

India low on Biopharma Innovation: Leading Industry Analyst
A leading industry analyst firm has written an open letter to Prime Minister of India that India seems to be ceding ground to its Asian peers in biopharma innovation and manufacturing. The firm has highlighted that India needs to encourage investment in biopharma manufacturing capacity, increase public health expenditure, and extend insurance coverage for the novel drugs, in order to promote innovation in biopharma space.

High time to implement essential diagnostic guidelines to standardize diagnostic practices: Expert
Healthcare industry expert in India has emphasized the urgent need for the implementation of national essential diagnostic guidelines to standardize practices, improve patient care, streamline diagnostic processes, guide clinical decision-making, optimize resource utilization, and reduce healthcare disparities across India. In 2019, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) had issued the National Essential Diagnostic List (NEDL) to ensure consistency and quality in diagnostic procedures.


Dear Reader, We are happy to share the most interesting legal and policy updates concerning health industry that we read today. We hope you enjoy reading it.

All manufacturers, importers and brand owners of products using plastic packaging must register by 31st March 2024 with Pollution Control Board

India’s Pollution Control Board has given a final opportunity to manufacturers, importers and brand owners of products which use plastic packaging, to register with appropriate Pollution Control Board under provisions of Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016. Such entities are required to register and discharge Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) by buying EPR Credits from registered recyclers of plastic packaging waste.


 Central Consumer watchdog and Industry Regulators of Advertisements enter into collaboration to curb misleading advertisements

India’s Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) has announced a collaboration with the industry’s self-regulatory advertisement body called Advertisements Standards Council of India (ASCI). Under the collaboration, ASCI will forward details of advertisement found to be in breach of its own misleading advertisement guidelines to the CCPA since such advertisements may also be violative of the law on misleading advertisement in India.


Imported devices containing foreign embedded SIM for use in M2M communication have to mandatorily shift to services provided by Indian telecom providers within six months

India’s telecommunication regulator, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), has issued specifications and licensure requirements for the implementation of use of embedded Sim technology in Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication, which is seeing more and more use for remote diagnosis and monitoring in healthcare sector, since launch of 5g sim technology in the country. All communication profiles on any M2M eSIM fitted in an imported device on international roaming in India should be mandatorily converted/reconfigured into communication profiles of Indian telecom service providers (TSPs) within a period of six months from the date of activation of international roaming on such M2M e-SIM or on change of ownership of the device, whichever is earlier.


US FDA’s scientific authority to regulate drugs under challenge

A suit before the United States Supreme Court is challenging the decision of the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2016 to expand scope of prescription of Mifepristone 2000, a drug that is commonly used to carry out medicated abortion procedures, and permit its prescription via telemedicine. Ex-Commissioners of US FDA have expressed concern that a decision in favour of the petitioners may lead to an environment of uncertainty where any US FDA approval granted to a drug could be challenged in future on scientific grounds even if it was approved by the US FDA.


New reserve sample retention quantity requirements for BA and BE studies in US

The United States Federal Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) has published the final version of a guidance document that prescribes new reserve sample retention requirements for Bioavailability (BA) and Bioequivalence (BE) Studies. In the Guidance Document, US FDA has prescribed retention of 30 Single Dose, and 3 Multi Dose samples (with at least 1 unit in original container) across all sites carrying out In-Vivo studies, and 30 Single Dose, and 3 Multi Dose samples in original container for In-Vitro studies.



Dear Reader, We are happy to share the most interesting legal and policy updates concerning health industry that we read today. We hope you enjoy reading it.

Good Distribution Practices may be implemented in India for pharmaceutical products soon
India’s Drugs Consultative Committee (DCC) has recommended that draft of revised Good Distribution Practices (GDP) guidelines for pharmaceutical products should be made mandatory soon. The DCC is of the view that there is a gap in the law which requires owners of premises such as warehouses to ensure appropriate storage condition for drugs, but no such requirement exists for transporters who transport the drugs, and this affects the quality of drugs.

TB vaccine clinical trials begins in India
A Hyderabad based biotechnology company has started Phase 3 clinical trials of tuberculosis (TB) vaccine called MTBVAC among the adults in India. The vaccine is the first live attenuated vaccine of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolated from human strain, unlike the BCG vaccine.

Medical and Sales Representatives’ body says new Pharma Marketing Code lacks teeth
The Federation of Medical and Sales Representatives’ Associations of India (FMRAI) has criticized the newly notified Uniform Code for Pharmaceuticals Marketing Practices (UCPMP), describing it as a futile effort. It stated that the new code lacks statutory enforcement and contains no explicit penal provisions against unethical marketing by pharmaceutical and medical device companies.

Fire safety in hospitals should be evaluated by Government before Summer Season: Disaster Management Body
India’s Union Health Ministry and National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) have jointly issued an advisory to all States and Union Territories (UT’s) to take proactive measures to check fire safety compliance of all hospitals before the incoming summer season.

No change in surrender value norms for life insurance policies: Insurance Regulator
The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has decided to retain the current surrender value requirements for life insurance policies due to concerns over higher surrender value expressed by the industry. Surrender value in life insurance is an amount paid by the insurer to the policyholder when the policy is terminated prior to the policy’s maturity date.


Dear Reader, We are happy to share the most interesting legal and policy updates concerning health industry that we read today. We hope you enjoy reading it.

Panel of auditors to audit the promotional expenses of pharma and medical device companies will be appointed soon: Government
The Secretary, Department of Pharmaceuticals, has reportedly said that the government will appoint a panel of auditors who can undertake risk-based audits from time to time, to evaluate whether the promotional expenses, especially towards conferences and workshops, have been incurred in an ethical manner as per the Uniform Code for Pharmaceutical Marketing Practices 2024. Any discrepancy will be reported to the appropriate government agency or authority.

Industry welcomes the new Uniform Code for Pharmaceutical Marketing Practices
The pharmaceutical industry has reportedly welcomed the new Uniform Code for Pharmaceutical Marketing Practices (UCPMP). According to news reports, the industry feels that the new code is a step ahead towards the advancement of the industry as it ensures ethical and healthy engagement between the pharmaceutical industry and medical professionals.

Nutraceutical and food supplement regulations are to be tightened further
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is in the process of tightening the regulations for nutraceuticals and health supplements. This move was prompted by the receipt of several complaints by the FSSAI about the presence of non-compliant health supplements on the market and the fact that the over-the-counter availability of nutraceuticals and health supplements is resulting in people consuming supplements along with drugs, which increases the risk of adverse effects.

A major e-commerce entity was fined Rs 25 lakh due to its inaction to remove counterfeit products from the marketplace
A State Consumer Commission in India has imposed a fine of Rs. 25 lakhs on a major e-commerce entity on the grounds that the e-commerce entity failed to correct the listing of a product, which it was aware was a counterfeit product. By failing to remove the listing, the Commission held that the e-commerce entity had engaged in dark patterns and unjust enrichment.

EU to extend regulatory data protection for innovator drugs to 7.5 years
The European Union is set to extend regulatory data protection for innovator drugs to 7.5 years, with one extra year of incentives if the drug meets an unmet medical need and clinical trials are conducted in the EU. There is a proposal to grant an additional 3 years of protection from generics, taking the total protection to a maximum of 11.5 years.


Dear Reader, We are happy to share the most interesting legal and policy updates concerning health industry that we read today. We hope you enjoy reading it.

Scientific works are not protected under India’s Copyright Law: High Court
India’s High Court of Andhra Pradesh has held that India’s copyright law only protects original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works. It does not protect scientific works, as covered under books of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology used by Students. The Court clarified that mathematical equations and science subjects do not qualify as ‘original works’ because they are the matter of fact and nature.

All rare disease drugs imported into India will be exempted from requirement to pay customs duty: High Court
India’s Delhi High Court has issued an order exempting drugs and medicines used in therapy for rare diseases from requirement of payment of customs duty. Prior to the order, the exemptions from payment of customs duty was limited to drugs used for treatment of Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) or Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). Earlier the Court had directed the National Rare Diseases Committee to hold deliberations with manufacturing and marketing companies to explore the possibility of procuring the medicines at a reasonable price.

Flow of counterfeit products into Indian market to be checked through a new surveillance system
India’s Ministry of Consumer Affairs is planning to develop a new surveillance system to identify counterfeit products sold in the retail market. The Ministry proposes to collect samples soon after they enter the retail market and test them under new laboratories which will be set-up specifically for the purposes.

Online gaming guidelines to prevent compulsive gaming in India to be published
India’s Department of Consumer Affairs (DoCA) is planning to commission a research on the disruptive impulse control behavioural patterns of digital consumption that may cause vulnerabilities. The initial part of the research will be focused on online gaming addiction. The research would later be expanded to identify the underlying factors of excessive consumption of online content. The findings of the research would be used to provide policy inputs for framing of the Guidelines for protecting the interests of the consumers.

US BioSecure Act to impact Indian biotechnology companies providing services or manufacturing products for US market
The BIOSECURE Act which has been introduced in the US House of Representatives prohibits US federal agencies from entering into contract with any entity that uses biotechnology equipment or services from a biotechnology company of concern to perform a federal contract. Some Chinese companies have been identified as biotechnology company of concern, and the list may be expanded to include companies from Russia, Iran and North Korea as well.


Dear Reader, We are happy to share the most interesting legal and policy updates concerning health industry that we read today. We hope you enjoy reading it.

India takes baby steps in regulation of Artificial Intelligence, puts in place prior consent requirement before deployment of AI
India’s Ministry of Electronic & Information Technology has reportedly advised platforms and intermediaries which employ artificial intelligence (“AI”) models or generative AI software, algorithms to mandatorily obtain government approval before offering their services. Additionally, platforms or intermediaries using unreliable AI models or algorithms should label themselves as “under testing” and take explicit consent from users, making them aware of potential errors in the technology.

Indian Government to hold discussions with private hospitals on capping of medical treatment rates
India’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is reportedly in discussion with major corporate hospitals on the possibility of capping of medical treatment rates. India’s Supreme Court last week had directed the Ministry to exercise its powers under Clinical Establishment Rules for prescribing ceiling prices of medical treatments, and threatened that if it did not do so, the Court will itself direct the Ministry to notify Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) rates as ceiling prices for medical treatments across the country.

Eye drops in India may soon have to be sold in transparent bottles to detect contamination
India’s central drug regulator, the Drugs Controller General of India, has called a meeting with pharmaceutical manufacturer associations to propose the use of transparent bottles in packaging eye drops. It is expected that use of transparent bottles will help detect contamination and particulate matter, so that any damage to the eye due to contaminated or spurious eye drops may be avoided. Most eye drops are currently sold in opaque bottles.

Yogurt makers may lawfully claim that it can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes: US FDA
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has reportedly allowed dairy-based yogurt makers to claim that Yogurt may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. However, the US FDA has recommended that the claim may be used carefully in yogurts that contain high levels of added sugar.

Legal validity of US Medicare drug price negotiation program upheld
A federal judge in Delaware in US has upheld the legal validity of U.S government’s condition that manufacturers of Top 10 drugs which are used in Medicare health insurance program will have to reduce prices or stop supplying to the program. This is the third positive court ruling in favour of US Government in the last few weeks on the subject of price negotiations.


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State Consumer Commissions continue to dilute intermediary safe-harbour protection for e-commerce marketplace
A State Consumer Commission in India has held a major e-commerce marketplace company liable for delivery of incorrect goods to customers, on the grounds that since it offered a ‘fulfilling’ service on behalf of the seller, it was not merely an intermediary but also an agent of the seller. The marketplace was made to pay punitive damages, in addition to mental harassment, on grounds that it may have unscrupulously exploited an unknown uncounted number of consumers.

Kochi and Thiruvananthapuram proposed to be added to the list of airports from where drugs may be imported
India’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has issued a draft notification that will add Kochi and Thiruvananthapuram to the list of airports from which pharmaceutical drugs may be imported into India. The Drugs Rules, 1945 specify that pharmaceutical drugs may be imported into India from a specified number of airports only. The clearance of drugs requires the approval of the Additional Drugs Controller (ADC) Customs, who is generally posted at the customs wing of the airport.

Dengue Vaccine Clinical Trials to start soon in India
A major Japanese drug maker has reportedly received clearance from India’s vaccine regulator, Central Drugs Standards Control Organization, to start clinical trials of the dengue vaccine. The vaccine will be contract manufactured by a major biotech company in India.

Many medical device companies settled allegations of kickbacks given to doctors in 2023: US Department of Justice
The US Department of Justice (DoJ) has issued a press release that it has recorded the highest number of settlements and judgements in its history. Some of major settlements involved allegations of unlawful kickbacks medical device companies to doctors, in form of above-fair market value supervision fees or remuneration for medical directorships and improper donation of capital equipment.

Fair-use defense against copyright infringement by AI companies will be tested in new trial by media companies against Open AI
In a new set of lawsuits in the US, media companies are not alleging copyright infringement by AI companies to train the algorithm, but instead alleging that before training, the AI companies removed information from the training material which established that the material was copyrighted, such as the name of the author the news. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act or DMCA, law in the US reportedly prohibits the removal of information that can help copyright holders detect infringement, including article titles, author names, and copyright dates.


Dear Reader, We are happy to share the most interesting legal and policy updates concerning health industry that we read today. We hope you enjoy reading it.

India announces completion of Genome Sequencing Project
The Department of Biotechnology (DBT) has announced the completion of the Genome India Project, the largest project to sequence 10,000 genomes of the Indian population. The initiative was launched in 2020. Owing to the project, the DBT has now created a reference genetic database as well as a biobank of Indian blood samples for future research.

Draft guidance on post approval changes of biologics published by India’s drug regulator
India’s central drug regulator (CDSCO) has published draft guidance on ‘Post Approval Changes in Biological Products: Quality Safety and Efficacy Documents’ for comments. The draft guidance categorizes post approval changes relating to safety and efficacy depending on their seriousness and reporting requirements.

Hospitals in India report increase in the average revenue per occupied bed (ARPOB)
As per reports, the average revenue per occupied bed (ARPOB) in major hospitals in India has increased in the last nine month and is set to increase 8-10% in next financial year. The ARPOB was estimated to be Rs. 45,800 per day in FY23. The factors driving growth are focus on specialized procedures and fast (morning/evening) discharges.

USFDA to increase annual inspection of pharmaceutical facilities in India
The US Drug Administration (USFDA) is reportedly set to increase the number of inspections at Indian drug manufacturing units in 2024 due to increasing concerns about the quality of pharmaceuticals manufactured in those facilities.

World’s biggest beef producer sued for greenwashing
The New York Attorney General has filed a lawsuit against the world’s largest beef producer on the ground that it has no viable plan to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040, as claimed by it. The Attorney General has accused the beef manufacturer of misleading the public about its environmental impact to increase sales.


Dear Reader, We are happy to share the most interesting legal and policy updates concerning health industry that we read today. We hope you enjoy reading it.

Drug manufacturing facility cannot manufacture food products: Central Drugs Regulator
India’s Central Drug Regulator, The Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI), has directed the state drug licensing authorities to take action against the drug manufacturers who are also manufacturing nutraceuticals and health supplements in the same facility. Under Indian law, a drug manufacturing facility cannot be used to manufacture food products. Nutraceuticals and health supplements are regulated as food products in India.

Methodology to calculate Green Credit against Tree Plantations notified
India’s Ministry of Environment, Climate and Forest Change, has notified the methodology for calculating green credit in respect of tree plantation under Green Credit Rules, 2023 which were notified under The Environment Protection Act, 1986. A person desirous of purchasing green credits will have to make an application to the Administrator. 1 tree planted will be equal to 1 green credit.

A person cannot be prosecuted for food related offence under Food Safety Law and Indian Penal Code simultaneously: Supreme Court
The Supreme Court of India has held that, since The Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 (FSSA) has effect notwithstanding any other law, a food related offence will have to be pursued under FSSA and not under a general law such as the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (IPC).

Period Safety Update Reports (PSURs) of new drugs will have to be submitted online, physical submissions will not be accepted
The Indian Central Drug Regulator, Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO), will accept PSURs of new drugs, subsequent new drugs (SND), fixed dose combinations (FDC), biologicals and veterinary drugs only through online medium from 11th March 2024. A PSUR is required to be submitted for a period of four years after receipt of marketing permission.

Indian Government is incentivizing domestic drug manufacturers to develop cost effective treatment for rare health conditions
India’s medical research body, Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), has reportedly invited domestic drug companies to develop localized treatments for “priority rare genetic disorders” and has offered assistance in pre-clinical, clinical research and regulatory approvals. The aim for this initiative is to encourage domestic drug companies to develop cost-effective treatments for rare health conditions by offering assistance in clinical research.


Dear Reader, We are happy to share the most interesting legal and policy updates concerning health industry that we read today. We hope you enjoy reading it.

Drug manufacturing facility cannot manufacture food products: Central Drugs Regulator
India’s Central Drug Regulator, The Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI), has directed the state drug licensing authorities to take action against the drug manufacturers who are also manufacturing nutraceuticals and health supplements in the same facility. Under Indian law, a drug manufacturing facility cannot be used to manufacture food products. Nutraceuticals and health supplements are regulated as food products in India.

Methodology to calculate Green Credit against Tree Plantations notified
India’s Ministry of Environment, Climate and Forest Change, has notified the methodology for calculating green credit in respect of tree plantation under Green Credit Rules, 2023 which were notified under The Environment Protection Act, 1986. A person desirous of purchasing green credits will have to make an application to the Administrator. 1 tree planted will be equal to 1 green credit.

A person cannot be prosecuted for food related offence under Food Safety Law and Indian Penal Code simultaneously: Supreme Court
The Supreme Court of India has held that, since The Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 (FSSA) has effect notwithstanding any other law, a food related offence will have to be pursued under FSSA and not under a general law such as the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (IPC).

Period Safety Update Reports (PSURs) of new drugs will have to be submitted online, physical submissions will not be accepted
The Indian Central Drug Regulator, Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO), will accept PSURs of new drugs, subsequent new drugs (SND), fixed dose combinations (FDC), biologicals and veterinary drugs only through online medium from 11th March 2024. A PSUR is required to be submitted for a period of four years after receipt of marketing permission.

Indian Government is incentivizing domestic drug manufacturers to develop cost effective treatment for rare health conditions
India’s medical research body, Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), has reportedly invited domestic drug companies to develop localized treatments for “priority rare genetic disorders” and has offered assistance in pre-clinical, clinical research and regulatory approvals. The aim for this initiative is to encourage domestic drug companies to develop cost-effective treatments for rare health conditions by offering assistance in clinical research.