Dear Reader, we are happy to share the most interesting legal and policy updates concerning health industry that we read today. We hope you enjoy reading it.

Indian Drug Manufacturers will have to put in place prompt and effective recall procedure soon
At a meeting called by India’s Health Ministry with drug manufacturers, the Ministry has reportedly reminded all drug manufacturers that they will have to put in place a prompt and effective drug recall system. Such a drug recall system is a mandatory requirement of revised Schedule M of Drugs Rules, 1945, which is scheduled to come into effect on 27th June 2024 for large enterprises, and on 27th December 2024 for small and medium scale enterprises.

India’s central food regulator to conduct own testing and investigation into pre-packed spices manufactured in India
India’s Central Food Regulator (FSSAI) has recently issued a statement declaring that it is currently in the process of collecting samples of fruit and vegetables, fish products and spices and culinary herbs, as part of its scheduled surveillance for salmonella and other contaminants. This statement has come in light of the recent ban by Governments of Hong Kong and Singapore on certain brands of Indian spices, on the basis that the products contained Ethylene Oxide, a known carcinogen that can cause breast cancer and lymphoma.

Supreme Court seeks explanation from Central Government on proposal to fix prices for ophthalmologic procedures
The Supreme Court has issued a Notice to the Central Government, seeking response on the nature of power and viability of regulations that permit government to uniformly fix the prices across private hospitals for Ophthalmologic procedures. The Court has clubbed this matter along with a pending case, where the Central Government has been directed by the Supreme Court to determine a policy to fix uniform prices for procedures done at private hospitals.

If husband is unable to contribute gamete, then wife is not barred from seeking gamete from a donor for IVF: High Court
In a recent decision, the Calcutta High Court has held that, under India’s current regulatory regime surrounding In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), there is no restriction that requires that either the egg or the sperm must come from the couple seeking the IVF themselves. A married woman may seek to obtain sperm from a third party donor.

Excessive prescription and use of Antibacterial medicine in treatment of COVID-19 has increased global Antimicrobial Resistance: WHO
The World Health Organization has recently posted findings from its Global Clinical Platform for COVID-19, which are an anonymized repository of worldwide treatment data. These findings have revealed that there has been rampant over-prescription and use of antibiotics worldwide, in the course of treating COVID-19, which has contributed to the globally rising Antimicrobial Resistance problem.


Dear Reader, we are happy to share the most interesting legal and policy updates concerning health industry that we read today. We hope you enjoy reading it.

Insurance Regulator Removes Barrier to offering Insurance Policy to Senior Citizens among other underserved demographics
India’s Central level Insurance regulator the IRDAI has recently issued the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Insurance Products) Regulations, 2024, where it has removed the barrier to insurance for persons over the age of 65 years. Previously, persons defined as “Senior Citizens” were not catered to, in terms of fresh insurance policy offerings.

Pharmacists who were not personally dispensing medication at pharmacy penalized by Karnataka Pharmacy Council
The Executive Committee of the Pharmacy Council of the Indian State of Karnataka, by exercise of powers under Section 36 of the Pharmacists Act, 1948 has decided to take disciplinary action against certain Pharmacists for violation under Section 42 whereby only Pharmacists are permitted to dispense medication. It was found that several Pharmacists in the state were absent from their posts and had only been registered with their pharmacies for namesake.

Consumer Affairs Ministry has urged FSSAI to initiate Action against major food manufacturer for high sugar content in infant formula
India’s Central Consumer Affairs Secretary, in a recent letter to the Central Food Regulator (FSSAI), has urged it to initiate action against a major food product manufacturer, in light of the recent serious allegations regarding the heightened sugar content in the infant formula the company has been marketing in India.

India’s Central Bank has published Draft Circular regulating Point-of-Sale Payment Aggregators: Requiring compliance with Guidelines for online Payment Aggregators
India’s Central Bank, the Reserve Bank of India, has issued a Draft Circular for regulation of Payment Aggregators providing point-of-sale services, whereby, within 3 months of publication of final version of this Notification, all entities that are currently providing such services will be mandated to adapt and comply with all requirements concerning Guidelines on governance, merchant on-boarding, customer grievance redressal and dispute management framework, baseline technology recommendations, security, fraud prevention and risk management framework, as provided in a prior Notification on Regulation of Payment Aggregators and Gateways published in 2020.

EU may revise categorization of Personal vs Commercial Confidential Data in Marketing Authorization Process
The European Union Regulator has begun consultation regarding an update to the current regulation surrounding what constitutes Personal data vs Commercial Confidential data in respect of protecting business secrets in marketing authorization applications submitted by pharmaceutical and medical devices companies.


Dear Reader, We are happy to share the most interesting legal and policy updates concerning health industry that we read today. We hope you enjoy reading it.

Delay condonation should be evaluated based on reasons provided and not merits of case: Supreme Court
In a recent decision, the Supreme Court held that in condoning delay for a filing for which limitation period has been stipulated under the Limitation Act, 1963, a Court should not base its decision on whether such delay has been condoned in a similar matter, evaluating delay on merits of the fact situation, but rather each delay should be evaluated on the grounds pleaded in the application for its condonation.

Central Government to take strict action against non-compliance with quality maintenance in manufacture of fire-resistant fabrics raw material
The Indian Central Government is intending to take stringent action against violators of the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Quality Control Order for raw material used to manufacture fire-resistant fabric used in upholstery used in commercial spaces such as cinema halls, conference halls etc. Pursuant to issue of this Quality Control Order, only those raw material that have been certified by the BIS may be used in manufacture of commercial space upholstery. However, this Quality Control Order does not apply to upholstery used in households or those manufactured for export.

Indian Government partners with Quality Council of India to improve services at Central Government run hospitals
India’s Central Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Quality Council of India, to help improve quality standards for healthcare delivery at government run hospitals and help the hospitals get accredited by the National Accreditation Body for Hospitals/ Laboratories.

Prices of imported Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient see sharp decline due to action against cartelized manufacturers
Despite an increase in demand in the Indian domestic pharmaceutical manufacturing sector for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs), indicated by a 39% increase in year-on-year imports, the price of APIs being imported from China and other countries has reduced significantly to pre-COVID levels. This reduction is suspected to be caused by breaking-down of manufacturing cartels. This reduction in prices of API signifies an increase in profit margins for Indian firms which have traditionally been depended on Chinese imports.

ECHR holds that inaction against climate change may be considered violation of human rights
The European Court of Human Rights has issued an award in favour of several Switzerland based petitioners who brought claims against their Government. The Court held that the European Convention on Human Rights envisages citizens right to be protected by their government against adverse effects of climate change. The petitioners had claimed that the inaction of the Swiss government and insufficient mitigation measures had caused a violation of the petitioners’ human rights, since such inaction by the government has increased their likelihood of dying of heat stroke.


Dear Reader, We are happy to share the most interesting legal and policy updates concerning health industry that we read today. We hope you enjoy reading it.

All manufacturers, importers and brand owners of products using plastic packaging must register by 31st March 2024 with Pollution Control Board

India’s Pollution Control Board has given a final opportunity to manufacturers, importers and brand owners of products which use plastic packaging, to register with appropriate Pollution Control Board under provisions of Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016. Such entities are required to register and discharge Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) by buying EPR Credits from registered recyclers of plastic packaging waste.


 Central Consumer watchdog and Industry Regulators of Advertisements enter into collaboration to curb misleading advertisements

India’s Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) has announced a collaboration with the industry’s self-regulatory advertisement body called Advertisements Standards Council of India (ASCI). Under the collaboration, ASCI will forward details of advertisement found to be in breach of its own misleading advertisement guidelines to the CCPA since such advertisements may also be violative of the law on misleading advertisement in India.


Imported devices containing foreign embedded SIM for use in M2M communication have to mandatorily shift to services provided by Indian telecom providers within six months

India’s telecommunication regulator, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), has issued specifications and licensure requirements for the implementation of use of embedded Sim technology in Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication, which is seeing more and more use for remote diagnosis and monitoring in healthcare sector, since launch of 5g sim technology in the country. All communication profiles on any M2M eSIM fitted in an imported device on international roaming in India should be mandatorily converted/reconfigured into communication profiles of Indian telecom service providers (TSPs) within a period of six months from the date of activation of international roaming on such M2M e-SIM or on change of ownership of the device, whichever is earlier.


US FDA’s scientific authority to regulate drugs under challenge

A suit before the United States Supreme Court is challenging the decision of the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2016 to expand scope of prescription of Mifepristone 2000, a drug that is commonly used to carry out medicated abortion procedures, and permit its prescription via telemedicine. Ex-Commissioners of US FDA have expressed concern that a decision in favour of the petitioners may lead to an environment of uncertainty where any US FDA approval granted to a drug could be challenged in future on scientific grounds even if it was approved by the US FDA.


New reserve sample retention quantity requirements for BA and BE studies in US

The United States Federal Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) has published the final version of a guidance document that prescribes new reserve sample retention requirements for Bioavailability (BA) and Bioequivalence (BE) Studies. In the Guidance Document, US FDA has prescribed retention of 30 Single Dose, and 3 Multi Dose samples (with at least 1 unit in original container) across all sites carrying out In-Vivo studies, and 30 Single Dose, and 3 Multi Dose samples in original container for In-Vitro studies.



Dear Reader, We are happy to share the most interesting legal and policy updates concerning health industry that we read today. We hope you enjoy reading it.

Hospitals and pharma companies in India bought electoral bonds worth 9 billion Rupees
Indian hospitals and pharma companies have reportedly bought electoral bonds for approximately Rs. 900 crore. Electoral bonds bought by businesses are later encashed by political parties, and until recently, the identity of businesses that bought electoral bonds was kept confidential.

New portal for filing consumer complaints to be introduced
India’s Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) will reportedly launch a dedicated online complaint portal for consumers to file complaints against misleading advertisements and unfair trade practices. The timing of the launch of the portal is intended to coincide with World Consumer Rights Day (March 15).

New guidelines that will differentiate brand extension and surrogate advertisements to be notified soon
India’s Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) has reportedly formed a committee to deal with the issue of differentiation of genuine brand extensions from surrogate advertisements. Brand extensions are advertisements by companies that extend existing brands into new product categories. For example, advertisements by alcohol companies to sell music CDs, glasses, soda, etc. under the same brand name. However, if the products covered brand extensions are not available for sale in the open market, then such advertisements become surrogate advertisements.

EU may soon adopt a single compulsory license regime for medicines in crisis situations
The European Union Parliament is reportedly going to consider a proposal to allow manufacturers of critical medicines to manufacture them for all member states without the consent of the patent holder in crisis situations. Under the current law, even if one State of the EU grants a compulsory license to a manufacturer to manufacture a critical medicine in a crisis situation, the medicine cannot be exported or sold in other EU states unless the concerned State also grants some kind of immunity against the import of such medicine into that State.

Brand owners now responsible for collection of any plastic packaging waste
The Ministry of Environment has amended the Plastic Waste Management (Amendment) Rules, 2024. All brand owners who use plastic packaging on the product package are obligated to collect plastic packaging waste. However, if the brand owners have met the Extended Producer Responsibility targets by contracting with a registered recycler, then physical collection of plastic packaging waste may not be required.


Dear Reader, We are happy to share the most interesting legal and policy updates concerning health industry that we read today. We hope you enjoy reading it.

Major Indian Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturer to be tried for Contempt of Court for publishing misleading drug advertisements
India’s Supreme Court is reportedly set to issue a Contempt Notice to a major Ayurvedic medicines manufacturer in India after it found out that the manufacturer had published a misleading advertisement claiming permanent relief for certain chronic conditions such as Diabetes and Liver Cirrhosis. In November 2023, the manufacturer had given an undertaking to the Supreme Court that it will not publish misleading advertisements or disparage allopathy. The Supreme Court has also questioned the Indian government for its inaction over publication of misleading advertisements by the manufacturer despite existence of a law which makes publication of misleading advertisement punishable with imprisonment.

Doctors will have to obtain registration with State Medical Council of every State where they practice: Delhi HC
The High Court of Delhi has upheld the legality of a notice issued by Delhi Medical Council which made it mandatory for Doctors to register with the Council if they wanted to practice in the State of Delhi. The Doctors argued that it was an onerous requirement which would require them to register in every State they practice in. However, the Court held that the intent of the law is to require Doctors to register in every State that they practice in, and that Doctors have the option to register with multiple State Medical Councils in India.

Cosmetic Importers asked to provide sales details in a bid to curb import of counterfeit cosmetics
In an effort to curb the import of counterfeit cosmetic products, India’s Central Cosmetics Regulator, Drugs Controller General of India, has directed importers of cosmetics who import cosmetics already registered by authorized importers, to furnish annual sales details such as number of consignments, imported quantity, total cost of imported cosmetics of each consignment, along with warehouse details.

Central Government has to fix ceiling prices of medical treatment within 2 months: Supreme Court
The Supreme Court has directed the Central Government publish ceiling prices for medical treatments offered by Hospitals all over the country within 2 months. If the Central Government fails to do so, the Supreme Court has said that it will direct Central Government to fix medical treatment costs stipulated under Central Government Health Scheme as ceiling price of medical treatment offered by Hospitals for the whole country.

India Seeks to delay implementation of EU Carbon Emissions Limits
India is set to conduct negotiation with the European Union regarding the implementation of the Carbon Control Regime, seeking a complete elimination of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, failing which India will seek an extension of timelines for reduction of emissions. It is expected that in order to comply with requirements under EU Carbon Control Regime, Indian exporters will have to make significant capital investment will increase cost of production.


Dear Reader, We are happy to share the most interesting legal and policy updates concerning health industry that we read today. We hope you enjoy reading it.

Greenwashing Regulations Published for Comments
India’s Ministry of Consumer Affairs has published the Draft Guidelines for the Prevention and Regulation of Greenwashing, 2024, which seek to regulate the advertisement of false or misleading environment claims, and/or the downplaying of harmful environmental effects of any product or service by any advertiser or producer. Industry may submit its comment on the draft of the Guidelines until 21st of March 2024.

India’s Supreme Court puts controversial amendment of India’s forest law on hold
The Supreme Court of India has put on hold the application of The Forest Conservation (Amendment) Act, 2023 which diluted the scope of forests to only those lands which were either notified as forests or identified as forests in government records. However, the Supreme Court had ordered the Government to follow the dictionary definition of forest until consolidated record of forest lands are prepared by all State Governments.

Details of Liaison Officers of Social Media Companies not matter of public record, and so need not be revealed to public: High Court
India’s Delhi High Court has rejected a Public Interest Litigation (PIL), that sought information about persons appointed by major Social Media Companies to handle directions from Government , on the ground that the sole purpose of a Liaison Officer is to co-ordinate and interact with Central Government, and not with the public. Social Media Companies have separately appointed a Grievance Officer to resolve grievances of the public, and the details of Grievance Officer are publicly available.

Couples cannot adopt a healthy child, if they have two or more children: High Court
The High Court at Delhi has issued an order upholding the retrospective validity of a government notification that limited couples with 2 or more children to adopt only special needs children, holding that the right of adoption of a parent is not a protected Fundamental Right under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution, and therefore cannot be prioritized above the right of a child.

WHO Urges heightened regulation of Tobacco products and e-cigarettes
Highlighting that the region (South East Asia) has nearly 77% of the global smokeless tobacco consumers, the World Health Organization is calling on governments in South East Asia to intensify efforts and take initiative to control use of tobacco, tobacco products, and e-cigarettes.


Dear Reader, We are happy to share the most interesting legal and policy updates concerning health industry that we read today. We hope you enjoy reading it.

New Departmental Guidelines for sampling of Spurious Drugs, Medical Devices and Cosmetics Published
India’s apex regulatory body for drugs, medical devices and cosmetics, the Central Drugs Standards Control Organization, has published revised sampling guidelines for inspectors to follow in various states. All inspectors are required to collect at least 9 samples of drugs, and 1 sample of cosmetic or medical device in each month. The inspectors are supposed to be alert about feedback received from citizens and doctors in deciding which drugs, cosmetics and medical device brands they ought to sample and test for compliance with laws.

Social Media companies asked by High Court to handover details of persons who fraudulently operated certain accounts and channels
The Delhi High Court has ordered major social media companies including Facebook and Telegram to disclose identities of users accused of misusing trademark of major venture capital firm to cheat users by soliciting bogus investments. The court has also ordered concerned social media companies to provide details on action they will take to prevent further violation.

WhatsApp and emails may be used to send legal notices for demanding unpaid amounts: High Court
The Allahabad High Court has reiterated that notice in cheque bounce case sent by WhatsApp or e-mail will be considered valid notice for the purposes of recovery under The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881, and it will be presumed to have been dispatched and served on the same day.

Popular Party Drugs added to list of Psychotropic Substances
The Indian Government has added popular synthetic party drugs, ADB-BUTINACA, Alpha-PiHP and 3 Methylmethcathinone (3-MMC), to list of psychotropic substances and notified small and commercial quantity of these substances for the purpose of fixing quantum of punishment for unlawful possession. Possessing psychotropic substances without permission or prescription is an offence under Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985.

WHO recommends antibiotics which should be exclusively put to human use to reduce chance of antimicrobial resistance
The World Health Organization (WHO) has updated its Medically Important Antimicrobials for Human Use (WHO MIA List), and reclassified antimicrobial drugs on basis of potential impact on human heath to limit the use of identified antimicrobials in other populations such as in plants and animals. The WHO hopes that reducing use of critical antimicrobial drugs in other population will reduce pace of antimicrobial resistance.